RTM Innovation Framework

Framework v2


Before starting out it is important to get clear where you are, what you want and why you want it. This step helps you define the game, the arena and the win. The primary outcome from this step is to emerge with clarity of purpose and a shared understanding of why it is important.



Next you need to paint a picture of the future – to enunciate the vision and communicate it effectively. Consider what is on the table, what has gone before and what might be possible. Your blueprint of the future will drive what follows and must be shaped in the context of the previous step to ensure that it aligns with what is desirable, viable and feasible.



Now you need to converge on a solution, understand the journey and develop an actionable plan. Not everything will be possible. Exploiting both Design and Systems Thinking paradigms, the emergent solution will drive the map and the map, together with your capability, will constrain the solution. The effective management of uncertainties will take shape here.



Set yourself up for success. Your execution is reliant on the people, infrastructure and systems that you devote to it and these must be aligned with and supportive of the journey ahead. By understanding the key principles underlying human behaviour you can shape your environment and approach to maximise engagement and effectiveness.



This is where ‘the rubber hits the road’. Capabilities (products and services) are developed, verified, validated and delivered. It is necessarily an iterative process of intense focus, engagement, learning and adaptation. Fortunately there are many tools and techniques available to help you make this a relatively painless next step.



Delivering a new capability is only the beginning. Here the focus turns to what needs to happen to ensure that your expected benefits come to fruition. Much will need to be implemented in parallel with earlier steps to ensure an effective transition. It will be necessary to review the supporting ecosystem together with the chosen deployment methods through the lens of key behavioural drivers to ensure buy-in, take-up and successful evolution.



The final step is one that falls outside the circle but remains core nonetheless. Once the evolution is complete you will be in a position to go around the framework again; but beware. It is important to ensure that those ‘hard-won’ gains are retained. This step considers reinforcement through performance monitoring, reward and ongoing support. Make it stick. Make it part of your DNA.


You can download a pdf of this information here.